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Czech extremists announce another public march in Litvinov

22 October 2012
1 minute read

Members and followers of the Czech extreme rightists Workers’ Party (DS) are preparing another protest march in Litvinov, DS deputy chairman Petr Kotab told journalists today.

The rally will take place in the days to come. It will follow up the Monday rally called by the DS for the namesti Miru square in Litvinov and the subsequent march to the local housing project Janov, largely inhabited by Romanies.

"As the Litvinov town hall is evidently unable to resolve the situation at the Janov housing project and the police are disinterested in it, another protest action will take place in the Litvinov streets," Kotab said.

"We are not giving up our struggle for decent life of the Janov original residents," Kotab said.

The Monday rally of the DS "against the affirmative action and police violence" led to a massive clash of the marchers with the police that claimed 16 injured.

The radicals were accompanied by local people who made no secret of their aversion to Romanies.

The police brought breach of the peace charges against 12 people.

The Czech Republic faces the greatest possible civic disturbances due to recent events in Litvinov where the police prevented far right radicals from marching through a Romany-populated housing estate, Cyril Koky, member of the government council for Romany affairs said today.

He told the server that Czech politicians including Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek (Civic Democrats, ODS) underestimated the situation because they had not condemned the extremists’ conduct. Koky called on Czech Minister for Human Rights and Minorities Dzamila Stehlikova (Greens) to consider remaining in her post.

The server also published a statement by members of the government council for Romany affairs, according to which far right extremists are seeking to provoke Romanies to commit violence.

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