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Director of the Office of the Czech Government Inter-ministerial Commission on Roma Community Affairs steps down

22 October 2012
2 minute read

Gabriela Hrabaňová has worked for the Office of the Czech Government for the past three years, most recently as secretary of the Czech Government Inter-ministerial Commission on Roma Community Affairs, which she is now leaving. The college-educated diplomat is heading to Brussels to work for a small nonprofit, European Roma Grassroots Organization, where she will be in charge of Romani projects across Europe. had three questions for her:

Q: How does it feel to leave the Office of the Czech Government, what kinds of experiences are you taking with you?

A: Great ones – there’s no doubt. My experience has been that proposals (and the proposers) of government initiatives are naturally essential, but the main thing is to negotiate everything, to communicate with the other ministries if I want to succeed. In my experience, if you are working under a person like [former Czech Human Rights Commissioner] Michael Kocáb, for whom I have great regard, them even at a time of government crisis you can manage to successfully advocate for fundamental things – for example, the renovations to the memorial at Lety u Písku. Where there is energy and political will, many things can change.

Q: You are heading to the nonprofit European Roma Grassroots Organization, based in Brussels. What position will you hold there?

A: The organization is based on collaboration between nonprofits from all over Europe. I will mainly have two projects on my plate. The first focuses on campaigning, specifically on a project in southeastern Europe whereby Romani people use various methods, including billboards, to establish contact with municipal administrations in the places they live. This is basically a way to say “I’m here, I have an opinion, and you have to count me in.” The second project is a collaboration with the Romani youth organization Ternype, with whom I will develop a wide variety of activities. The first is a workshop on the occasion of a sad anniversary, the murder of Romani people in the so-called Gypsy Camp at Auschwitz, and at the same time, Romani Holocaust Day, which falls on 2 August.

Q: What would you like to convey to your successor – do you know who it will be?

A: Given the fact that the Inter-ministerial Commission for Roma Community Affairs has been incorporated into the Government Council for National Minorities, my position as such no longer exists. However, a new secretary will be sought for the Roma section of the council. My message to my successor is this above all: Do not underestimate communication, maintain good relationships with the committees and the Council, and don’t become just another bureaucrat who has no contact with ordinary people or reality.

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