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Neo-Nazis and Workers’ Party member threaten Natálka and her supporters

22 October 2012
3 minute read

Earlier this week, reported on vulgar contributions insulting little Natálka Siváková which are being made by neo-Nazis on the discussion forum Now the web server has reported further evidence of the openly monstrous racism of the members of the Autonomous Nationalists and the Workers’ Party. News server Prvnízprá cites the article in its own reporting.

Little Natálka has received many Christmas gifts from various people and has thus become a thorn in the side of Jan Fuksa, a Workers’ Party member and candidate. Fuksa has openly threatened anyone and everyone who has sent the child presents, writing: ”Those who send even the smallest gift to a colored girl do not deserve to live in a white society. One day we will select them for removal.”

Tomáš Skyba, a member of the Autonomous Nationalists in Zlín region, wrote in: “I’d put a can of Zyklon under her [Natalka’s] Christmas tree.” (Editor’s Note: The Nazis murdered the prisoners interned in their concentration camps with Zyklon B gas in the gas chambers). Neo-Nazi Jan Bareš wrote: “I’d give her a nice little bottle of gasoline and matches, since it’s Christmas!”

Prvnízprá reports that the worst contributions have been made by 21-year-old neo-Nazi Martin Grund of Teplice, who writes on Facebook under the nickname Obergruppenfuhrer Böhse Onkel and called Natálka a “gypsy beaver”, writing: “I would send her a beautiful package of anthrax so she can breathe better.”

In addition to these Christmastime discussions, members of Antifa have also succeeded in monitoring encrypted conversations held between neo-Nazis on the portal, including conversations held immediately after the Vítkov attack. This monitoring shows that the public declarations made by the neo-Nazi organizations distancing themselves from that arson attack were merely tactical.

Writing on the web page of the Autonomous Nationalists, notorious neo-Nazi Filip Vávra condemned the Vítkov attack. However, writing on Facebook, he said: “We must always take on the role of the victim, never the aggressor, and therefore we must distance ourselves, if only for the sake of appearances – this is a necessity”.

Dominik Duka, the Bishop of Hradec Králové and a former member of the Czech Bishops‘ Conference, said he was heart-stricken by the hateful, racist statements addressed to Natálka Siváková by the members of these neo-Nazi organizations. “These words are even more shocking because they have been uttered during one of the greatest Christian holidays. These are incomprehensible, shocking statements and are a great warning to all citizens,” Duka said in an interview for Prvnízprá

The racist insults have also been condemned by the JORDAN-CZ-EU civic association and by Iustitia Vera, an international society for human rights protection. In their written statements, both organizations are demanding the Czech authorities take legal action against the neo-Nazi organizations to halt these expressions of neo-Nazism which “are no longer isolated incidents in this country.”

The anti-racist organization League against Anti-Semitism (Liga proti antisemitismu – LPA) has also released a harsh commentary about the neo-Nazis attacking Natálka online. LPA chair Věra Tydlitátová called for the responsible state authorities to investigate the verbal attacks. “Unprecedented racist verbal attacks are taking place on the ‘hooligans’ web pages, on several publicly accessible Czech neo-Nazi websites, and on their Facebook accounts,” the LPA statement reads.

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