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ERIO: It is our collective obligation to combat anti-Gypsyism

21 March 2013
2 minute read

On the International Day for the Elimination of Racism, ERIO would like to
remind people and governments of the negative and destructive consequences of
racial discrimination. History shows that racism is often a key ingredient in
the development of violent conflict, and has been responsible for some of the
worst atrocities committed by mankind. Through the de-humanization of an
opposing group of people, racist discourses have allowed immoral acts to be seen
as right and necessary. However racism and racial discrimination are not just
historical concepts, they exist in today’s Europe as much as in that of the
past. Indeed, one group which encounters these phenomena on a daily basis is the

ERIO believes that 21 March must be used to highlight the racial discrimination
targeted at the Roma. Anti-Gypsyism shows itself in forms of institutional
discrimination such as forced evictions, school segregation, and restricted
access to adequate housing, health, education and employment opportunities. Anti-Gypsyism
is also present on a day-to-day basis in form of violence, negative stereotypes,
intolerance and prejudices against the Roma. In its institutionalized and every
day forms, it stimulates, reinforces and reproduces negative feelings with dire
consequences for the Roma.

Ivan Ivanov Executive Director of ERIO states “Anti-Gypsyism continually
marginalizes and sustains the vulnerability, poverty and exclusion experienced
by Roma. We condemn all acts motivated by racism and xenophobia and we call on
the European Commission and member states to be vigilant in the face of such
incidents and take an immediate and strong position against those responsible
for racist actions.”

Groups and individuals that embrace and promote anti-Roma ideologies and
sentiments are in direct violation of the fundamental rights of the Roma and of
the basic values of the European Union. Europe is made of many cultures,
traditions and languages. This diversity should be recognised as a strength. By
tackling anti-Gypsyism now, we can build a better Europe for our children to
live in, one that embraces solidarity and understanding and rejects once and for
all the divisive element of racial discrimination.

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