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MEP Soraya Post for ROMEA TV: Antigypsyism exists everywhere in Europe

According to Romani MEP Soraya Post, antigypsyism and discrimination against Romani people are a problem in every European country. In Sweden, where she comes from, the general living conditions for Romani people are, in her opinion, much better than in Bulgaria, Hungary or Romania.

Racist speech is constantly being committed by politicians in the national parliaments of EU Member States. The most recent very insulting such statement was made by Matteo Salvini of the extremist Italian Northern League party.

According to Post, Salvini said the following on International Romani Day: “What’s to celebrate, that Roma parents are teaching their children to steal? I would prefer that they were teaching them to go to school.”

Post says such incidents make her even more proud of the EU Roma Week. The event takes place at the European Parliament and is a constructive effort to address the problem of antigypsyism in Europe.

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