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LIVE ONLINE: Together against Hate gathering in Prague honors the memory of those shot in Bratislava, Romani performers joining

26 October 2022
1 minute read
Together against Hate 2022
The Together against Hate gathering in Prague on Wenceslas Square - 26 October 2022 (PHOTO: Petr Zewlakk Vrabec)
LGBT+ people are convening a big gathering today in Prague on Wenceslas Square called "Together against Hate" („Společně proti násilí“). They plan to honor the memory of the victims of the recent shooting in Bratislava and to draw attention to the hate being spread against different minorities.

Those appearing to support the LGBT+ community include Romani musicians Jan Bendig, Jan Cina, Jan Dudža and Pavlína Matiová as well as the non-Romani performers Jordan Haj, David Koller and Emma Smetana. Speeches will be made by Czech Government Human Rights Commissioner, Klára Šimáčková Laurenčíková; the president of the Authority for Nuclear Security, Dana Drábová; and Roman Samotný, the owner of the Tepláreň bar in Bratislava that was targeted.

It was exactly in front of that club, which is visited by LGBT+ people, that a 19-year-old man shot dead LGBT+ community members Juraj and Matúš and severely wounded a staff member. The gunman then fled the crime scene and later committed suicide; prosecutors say that ahead of committing his crimes, the shooter posted a manifesto against Jewish people and LGBT+ people to social media.


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