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The Romane Kale Panthera art group announces an anti-prize, who will win the Golden Inferiority Complex award for the most hateful remark in Czech politics?

27 April 2024
1 minute read
Černý panter (Ilustrační FOTO: Envato Elements)
An actual black panther. (PHOTO: Envato Elements)
The art collective Romane Kale Panthera (Romani Black Panthers) is holding an awards ceremony on Sunday, 28 April for the Czech political speech that is the most hateful to date. The ceremony will take place at 16:00 in Pardubice at the Automatický mlýny venue.

Czech politicians, both men and women, have been nominated for this first year of the competition covering the year 1990 until today. The event responds to the boom in extremist opinions, political populists’ rhetoric, and the impact of both on public opinion.

“Don’t be indifferent, come join this protest against the culture of declining civility in politics and the spreading of hatred by political representatives,” say the organizers. The event is being held in the framework of the HateFree Art project realized by the DOX Center for Contemporary Art and the HateFree Culture campaign.

Romane Kale Panthera was created as a response to the anti-Romani marches of 2011, which were marked by the unusually high participation of ordinary people. Through art, the group tries to draw attention to problems in society such as inequality and oppression, with an emphasis on the Romani minority experience.

The collective’s intersectional approach goes beyond the borders of identitarian politics and involves subjects such as environmental injustice and racism. Their events are frequently staged in public spaces and are participatory.

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