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RomanoNet calls on Romani voters not to fall for the disinformation and populism now happening in the Czech presidential election campaign

25 January 2023
2 minute read
Petr Pavel and Andrej Babiš (Collage:
Czech presidential candidates Petr Pavel (left) and Andrej Babiš (right) (Collage:
RomanoNet, a platform of non-governmental, nonprofit organizations working with the Romani minority in the Czech Republic, has issued a statement on the current election campaign leading up to the second round of presidential elections this coming Friday and Saturday. The organizations warn Romani voters against falling for disinformation and populism and also point out the radicalization of some individuals; news server is publishing the statement in full translation below.

Declaration of the RomanoNet organization, 25 January 2023

Elections are the main mechanism of representative democracy through which citizens choose the governing politicians and thereby contribute to how the country is run. Public participation is of fundamental importance to the democratic administration of public affairs, the rule of law, the inclusion into society of those who are excluded, economic development, and implementing all human rights.

As representatives of civil society, we are carefully following the most recent developments in the presidential elections and we are quite positively surprised by the high level of interest among Romani men and women in who will become the next president. Just like them, we consider these elections important, because whoever becomes president should perform this role carefully, fairly, and be president for all citizens of this country.

Romani people are part of the Czech Republic, and as citizens have the freedom and the right to decide for whom to cast their ballots, but that doesn’t mean we are a homogenous group sharing the same, uniform attitudes or opinions on any subject. Unfortunately, the way the campaign has been conducted through the media and social media is contributing to great fanaticism and radicalization among some individuals who are influenced by populist promises or actions that could have negative effects on promoting inclusive policies vis-a-vis Romani people in this state.

During the last decade we have witnessed targeted attacks by Czech President Miloš Zeman, who had no problem spreading anti-Romani sentiment and hate. He has fanned the flames of discrimination against Romani people in the Czech Republic.

For that reason we are calling on all Romani people not to fall for the disinformation and populism spreading on social media, for them to verify the information they hear, and for them to make their decisions when voting for president on the basis of information that is true. Romale, consider the options and cast your vote according to your own free will, as that is an important part of the electoral process!

RomanoNet was founded in February 2017 to coordinate the collaborations among non-governmental, nonprofit organizations working with the Romani minority in the Czech Republic. Its mission is to advocate for an inclusion policy that emphasizes upholding human rights, equality, participation by Romani people in public life, and their involvement in decision-making processes. There are 14 member organizations in RomanoNet today: Awen Amenca, IQ Roma servis, Khamoro, Kleja, Nadace Otevřená společnost, R-mosty, Romano jasnica, Romanyartworkshop, ROMEA, Romodrom, RomPraha, Slovo 21, Společně-Jekhetane and Vzájemné soužití.

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