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Czech Government Human Rights Commissioner: I support the creation of a Government Commissioner for Romani Minority Affairs

03 August 2020
1 minute read

Czech Government Human Rights Commissioner Helena Válková, speaking yesterday during the commemorative ceremony at Lety u Písku, expressed support for the request of Romani people in the Czech Republic to establish the position of a Czech Government Commissioner for the Romani Minority during a speech in which, among other matters, she reminded the public that currently a new Roma Integration Strategy for 2021-2030 is being drafted. “I decidedly support the demands of the Romani minority for a Romani Commissioner to be included in the Strategy for 2021-2030,” she said.

“Only such an official will be able to represent what they consider to be most important in all aspects, details, and maybe even some brave visions,” Válková said. “If I have an opportunity to influence this, you certainly will have a Romani Commissioner.”

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