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Germany: Ultra-right deputies ejected from Saxon Regional Parliament after refusing to remove neo-Nazi symbols

22 October 2012
1 minute read

The chair of the Saxon Regional Parliament ejected eight ultra-right deputies from a parliamentary session today because they were wearing shirts and t-shirts with typical neo-Nazi symbols on them. The head of the regional parliament, Ivo Klatte, has banned the deputies from participating in the next three plenary sessions.

Klatte said the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) deputies refused to remove shirts and t-shirts featuring the Thor Steinar logo, a favorite clothing brand among promoters of neo-Nazism and the ultra-right. The admonished deputies refused to either change their clothing or vacate the chamber. They did not leave until police arrived. Klatte emphasized that the rules of procedure of the regional parliament ban the wearing of clothing and the posting of banners or stickers expressing a political opinion.

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