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Greece: Neo-Nazis attack demonstration against xenophobia in Athens

22 October 2012
1 minute read

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) reports that two people were lightly injured during a demonstration against xenophobia in Athens in the early morning hours of 1 October during a clash between left-wing and right-wing radicals. Greek Police detained 15 people during the incident. In the port city of Patras, police arrested more than 150 immigrants without identity papers that same morning.

Anti-racist organizations and left-wing extremists organized a demonstration ride on motorcycles in the Agios Panteleimon quarter in the center of the capital. The demonstration was against xenophobia.

The Agios Panteleimon quarter is considered a bastion of right-wing radicals. Tens of thousands of immigrants with African and Asian roots also live there.

According to eyewitnesses, right-wing extremists used baseball bats to assault the demonstrators. Many people were said to have been injured.

Greek Police performed a raid against illegal immigrants in the port city of Patras and its surroundings that same day. More than 150 immigrants without personal documents were arrested.

The police told the DPA that the immigrants were briefly detained in a refugee camp during the early morning hours and then deported to their countries of origin. According to the available data, around 1 million foreigners from non-EU countries live in Greece, of which approximately 350 000 have no personal documents.

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