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Improving the Rights of Roma in Italy

08 April 2014
6 minute read

April 8 is International Roma Day, a moment when Europe can
recognize one of its largest—at 12 million members—and most
marginalized groups.

Last year, to commemorate the occasion in
Italy, eight young Roma were received by Laura Boldrini, president
of the Chamber of Deputies, the Italian Parliament. Later that day,
Mario Borghezio, a member of the European Parliament from the
Northern League, went on the radio and protested. Using profane
language, he denounced the visit and said he hoped the young people
hadn’t stolen any of the furniture.

In 2012, FRA, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights,
published a report examining the situation of Roma in 11 EU member
states, including Italy. It is sobering reading. In every country,
by every metric used—employment, education, housing and health—Roma
were worse off than non-Roma living close by.

Across Europe, only half of Roma children were in preschool or
kindergarten and only 15 percent had completed any form of secondary
education. Fewer than one in three adults was reported to be in paid
employment, and 90 percent lived in households with an income below
the national poverty line. In Italy, almost every Roma surveyed
lived in a household at risk of poverty, and in more than half the
households, someone had gone to bed hungry in the previous month.

Since its formation in 2010, Associazione
21 luglio
 has focused on improving the rights of Roma in Italy,
especially the rights of children, and has fought discrimination
where we find it. Originally we concentrated on Rome, but we have
more recently taken on a national dimension. We conduct research,
producing reports on Roma communities that we use to develop
advocacy strategies.

One of the findings of the FRA report, and something that we see
every day, is the fact that most Roma are unaware of the rights they
have under EU law. And so, in a four-month course offered on
weekends, we promote training for Roma activists that introduces
them to the concept of human rights and how they can react to
discrimination, through the law, for example, and by way of the

As any group in the 21st century must, we try to use various
media outlets to raise awareness of the issues, but we also monitor
the media and look for hate speech that we respond to when we find
it. In the run-up to the European elections in May, we recognize
that there are many disenfranchised groups whose voices are not
being heard. It is especially critical that we speak up at a time
when parties on the right openly attack minorities as they seek

Associazione 21 luglio has joined forces with two groups to
promote the rights of the silenced and dispossessed—the prisoners’
rights organization Antigone and migrants’ advocates Lunaria. Our
joint campaign:
Campagna per i diritti, contro la xenophobia
(Campaign for
Rights, Against Xenophobia) presented our agenda to the Italian
press and we produced a handbook for Italian candidates in the
elections, showing how they can act to protect the fundamental human
rights of Roma, migrants, and prisoners.

The rights we describe are taken for granted by the vast majority
of European citizens. For Italy’s migrants, we are asking candidates
to commit to ensuring the right to seek asylum, the closure of
detention centers, the recognition of the right to vote in local
elections, and the standardization of citizenship rights. In Italy’s
chronically overcrowded prisons we want to introduce the crime of
torture, to guarantee prisoners’ rights to vote, to health care and
to vocational training.

For this campaign, Associazione 21 luglio has identified
priorities. There are 170,000 to 180,000 Roma and Sinti people in
Italy, and one of the most pressing issues are the “nomad” camps
where 40,000 of them are forced to live. These camps were first set
up in the 1980s in an effort to preserve elements of Roma culture,
but they have become detention camps, segregating Roma
apartheid-style away from mainstream communities.

Here, on the outskirts of towns and cities, they are isolated
from schools and services, placed under 24-hour guard and video
surveillance. Nomad camps are metaphors for the general
misunderstanding of Roma that persists because most Italians believe
Roma are nomadic and seek this kind of life, yet this is not the
case at all.

Therefore we call for the closure of these camps (and the use of
the term “nomad”), while at the same time suspending evictions from
informal Roma settlements. We must resolve the predicament of Roma
from the former Yugoslavia and their children who are stateless and
lack the documentation they need to join civil society. And we need
stronger protection for Roma and Sinti under the law against
incitement to racial hatred in public discourse and the media.

The existing framework that protects Roma is very weak. Before
the founding of Associazione 21 luglio, there was no human rights
organization advocating for Roma in Italy. While some individual
politicians are allies, there is no party political support for Roma
or Sinti people. Institutions like Senate Commission for the
Protection of Human Rights, or UNAR, the National Office Against
Racial Discrimination, have little power. Italy’s journalists
subscribe to a “Carta di Roma,” a code for covering Roma
affairs, but hate speech legislation lacks teeth.

Racist violence and intimidation is increasing in Italy. In
mid-March a Roma settlement outside Naples was attacked by a mob
following an accusation of sexual assault by Roma against a local
girl. Crowds have gathered in Rome to protest the presence of Roma
and Sinti, and a bakery put up a sign in the window saying, “Gypsies
not allowed.”

It is timely, then, that Associazione 21 luglio, in association
with national universities, organized a three-day conference in Rome
in the run-up to April 8 to assess the implementation of the
national Roma integration strategy that was formulated in 2012.
Forty speakers addressed 250 delegates on issues relating to Roma
and Sinti, to illustrate best practices as they exist in Italy.

Finding good news can be difficult, but there are successes at
the local level, where some mayors and city councils have taken an
initiative. Among our speakers was the charismatic Renato Accorinti,
elected Mayor of Messina in Sicily in 2013. Accorinti is not a
professional politician, and was an activist for years before being
elected in 2013. He has been called “the barefoot mayor” and he is
far from the corrupt centers of power in Italy. Yet he has managed
to help Roma people, showing them how to build their own houses, a
strong statement of self-empowerment.

Meanwhile, in Brussels, on March 31, the Commission for Legal
Affairs of the European Parliament denied parliamentary immunity to
Mario Borghezio for the remarks he made about Roma a year before. It
was ruled that what he said had no obvious connection with
parliamentary activities, and so the complaint made against
Borghezio by Associazione 21 luglio and other Roma NGOs can proceed.

By such means we continue to try to give voice to Roma and Sinti
people, a vital task before the May European elections. 


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