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Czech Interior Minister sends message to Romani communities through The police are here for all of us, let's not take the law into our own hands

03 July 2023
1 minute read
Vít Rakušan (FOTO: František Bikár, ROMEA TV)
Vít Rakušan (2023). (PHOTO: František Bikár, ROMEA TV)
Czech Interior Minister Vít Rakušan has acknowledged the nervousness that exists in the Romani community after the incidents in recent days and is assuring them the police are here for them and everybody else. "Let's not take the law and justice into our own hands, let's have faith in the police, let's call them when we feel we are in danger and something unpleasant is happening to us," he appealed.

Rakušan promised police will neither take sides nor privilege anybody and will be equally strict with anyone who breaks the law. “The laws are here for all of us, and that is the kind of country in which everybody wishes to live,” he said; news server is publishing the minister’s statement in full translation here.

Who benefits from stirring up disputes between Romani people and Ukrainians? Unfortunately, this benefits those who basically have no love for either Romani people or Ukrainians, the third parties who laugh at this, those who want this society to become insecure, who want the broadest possible range of disagreements to happen so they can profit from them. Let’s not give them the opportunity.

I get the nervousness in the Romani community after the incidents of recent days, I understand it, and I would like to assure all of you that the Police of the Czech Republic is here to protect all of you, to uphold the laws of this country, which apply to all of us and naturally also apply to those who have come here and want to live here, the laws apply to everybody. I have a big request to make of you. Let’s not take the law and justice in our own hands, let’s have faith in the police, let’s call them if we feel we are in danger and something unpleasant is happening to us.

I, as the Interior Minister, can assure you all, I can guarantee to all of you that the police will not take anybody’s side, they will be equally strict with absolutely everybody who does not uphold the law in our society, the laws are here for all of us, and that is the kind of country in which everybody wishes to live, so I am asking you all, please, let’s keep the peace and believe that this state is able, willing and ready to protect all of its citizens.

I thank you all.

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